Saturday, March 29, 2025
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Liaison with: American Bar Association (ABA)
Liaison with: Business Law Section
Liaison with: Clerks of Circuit Court
Liaison with: FLEA / FLSSI
Liaison with: Florida Bankers Association
Liaison with: Judiciary
Liaison with: Out of State Members
Liaison with: TFB Board of Governors
Liaison with: TFB CLE Committee
Liaison with: TFB Council of Sections
Liaison with: TFB Pro Bono Committee
Long-Range Planning
Meetings Planning
Model and Uniform Acts
Professionalism and Ethics
Publications (ActionLine)
Publications (Florida Bar Journal)
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Strategic Planning Implementation
Ad Hoc Artificial Reproductive Technology (ART)
Ad Hoc Committee on Electronic Wills
Ad Hoc Committee on Revocable Transfer on Death Deeds
Ad Hoc Guardianship Law Revision Committee
Ad Hoc Study Committee on Due Process, Jurisdiction & Service of Process
Ad Hoc Study Committee on Professional Fiduciary Licensing
Asset Protection Committee
Attorney/Trust Officer Liaison Conference
Charitable Planning and Exempt Organizations
Elective Share Review Committee
Estate & Trust Tax Planning
Guardianship, Power of Attorney & Advance Directives
IRA, Insurance & Employee Benefits
Liaison to Elder Law Section
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Liaisons with ACTEC
Principal and Income Committee
Probate & Trust Litigation
Probate Law & Procedure
Trust Law
Wills, Trusts & Estates Certification Review Course
Ad Hoc Hayslip
Attorney Banker Conference
Commercial Real Estate Committee
Condominium & Planned Development Committee
Condominium and Planned Development Law Certification Review
Construction Law
Construction Law Certification Review Course
Construction Law Institute
Development and Land Use Committee
Insurance and Surety
Liaison with FLTA
Real Estate Certification Review Course
Real Estate Leasing
Real Estate Structures and Taxation
Real Property Finance & Lending
Real Property Litigation
Real Property Problems Study
Residential Real Estate & Industry Liaison (RREIL) Committee
Title Insurance & Title Insurance Liaison
Title Issues & Standards
2020 Convention Coordination
Ad Hoc Committee on Creditors' Rights to Non-Exempt, Non-Probate
Ad Hoc Florida Business Corporation Act Task Force
Ad Hoc Leadership Academy
Ad Hoc LLC Monitoring
Ad Hoc Study Committee on Estate Planning Conflict of Interest
Ad Hoc Study Committee On Same Sex Marriage Issues
Ad Hoc Trust Account
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
Digital Assets and Information Study Committee
Florida Electronic Filing & Service
Legal Opinions
Liaison with: TFB Business Law Section
CLE Events
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FR/BAR Residential Contract
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Awards & Recognition
2019-2020 Awards
John Arthur Jones Annual Service Award
The JOHN ARTHUR JONES ANNUAL SERVICE AWARD is presented annually to one or two Section members who rendered dedicated and significantly outstanding service to the Section, and its varied programs, throughout the current year. In selecting the recipient of this annual award, the Section considers both the character and magnitude of the service furnished by the nominee throughout the year, and particular emphasis is given to the benefits which accrue to the Section and the lawyers of Florida as a result of such service. John Arthur Jones, past chair of the Section, embodies the outstanding service recognized by this Award. The name “John Arthur Jones” is synonymous with the term “Section Service.”
Rising Star Award
THE RISING STAR AWARD is given to members of the Real Property, Probate and Trust Law Section who demonstrate the potential for future Section leadership through their active participation in Section committees and projects. It may be awarded annually to a member of each of the Real Property and Probate Divisions of the Section who have made significant contributions to the Section.
At Large Member of the Year
THE AT LARGE MEMBER OF THE YEAR AWARD recognizes the “outstanding at-large member of the Executive Council who has provided the highest level of service in assisting the Section with its needs."
Robert C. Scott Memorial Award
THE ROBERT C. SCOTT MEMORIAL AWARD was established in 1985 by the Section to memorialize the memory and many extraordinary accomplishments of Robert C. Scott. At his death in 1982, Robert C. Scott was a dedicated member and Past Chair of the Section whose distinguished practice was primarily centered in Palm Beach County. His many contributions included development of the Florida Association of Realtors — The Florida Bar Accord and acceptance of the initial Realtors — Florida Bar approved Contract For Sale and Purchase of Real Estate. Even though he had completed his outstanding Chairmanship of the Section in 1973, Mr. Scott continued his tireless effort on behalf of the Section and the lawyers of Florida until his death, he was faithful in his attendance at Section meetings and participated in the Section programs, and he never overlooked the opportunity to advance the objectives of the Section. This Award given in recognition of Mr. Scott’s many years of untiring, devoted and valuable service to the Section. While not granted on an annual basis, the award will be granted when the occasion requires to those Section members who best exemplify the devotion and continued service of Robert C. Scott to the Section and its membership.
William S. Belcher Lifetime Professionalism Award
THE WILLIAM S. BELCHER LIFETIME PROFESSIONALISM AWARD was established in 2003. The award is presented, at the discretion of the Section, to an Executive Council member in recognition of their lifetime contributions to the Section, the Executive Council, Florida attorneys, and the public in promoting the highest standards of ethics and professionalism. William S. “Bill” Belcher was a past chair of the Section and devoted many years of service to the Section and its members. He was highly respected for his expertise and knowledge of Florida probate law, and rather than keeping that knowledge and expertise to himself, he regularly shared his thoughts through seminar presentations and through his numerous publications. Bill’s professional, civic, charitable, and personal conduct always reflected the highest standards of professionalism and devotion to his profession as an attorney. He graciously and voluntarily shared his knowledge, expertise, ethics, and professionalism with his fellow attorneys. Bill died in 1992. This award is granted to an Executive Council member who best exemplifies the qualities and virtues demonstrated by Bill Belcher during his lifetime of service to the profession.
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