• Thursday, January 16, 2025


General Standing

Homestead Issues Study

2023-2024 Committee Leaders:
Chair - Jeffrey ("Jeff") A. Baskies
Co-Vice Chair (Real Property) - Jeremy T. Cranford
Co-Vice Chair (Real Property) - E. Burt Bruton
Co-Vice Chair (Probate and Trust) - Shane Kelley
Secretary - Amanda C. Cummins
Next Meeting:   The next committee meeting is scheduled for: A time to-be-announced but during the May 29 to June 2, 2024 Executive Council & Committee Meetings of the RPPTL Section at the Hyatt in Bonita Springs, Florida.
Current Projects:   Please refer to the Committee Projects and the Agendas and Minutes tabs to the right. 
Committee Membership: The membership of the committee is limited to RPPTL Section members appointed by the Section's Executive Council. Guests are welcome to attend committee meetings, but may not vote.  Only committee members will be permitted to participate in committee deliberations. 
Mission: The mission of the Homestead Issues Study Committee is to review current issues relating to the homestead laws in Florida and work to continually improve those laws for the residents of this state. In furtherance of that mission, the committee continually reviews Florida statutes and developing case law and provides a forum for the discussion of those current legal issues. Through these discussions, the Committee proposes legislation to fill gaps in or improve Florida law for consideration by the Section's Executive Council. As appropriate, the Committee makes recommendations to the Florida Probate Rules Committee.