• Saturday, March 29, 2025


Real Property

Real Estate Structures and Taxation


The mission of the Real Estate Structures and Taxation Committee is to provide a forum and resource for real property practitioners to review, analyze, and improve, as applicable, Florida law pertaining to entity selection and the tax consequences of such selection, as well as Florida and federal tax issues and developments that are likely to impact real estate practice.


The Committee provides information and education concerning the ramifications of particular entity structures, including, without limitation, limited liability companies, corporations, partnerships, and land trusts. The Committee members provide expertise and input regarding proposed legislation and regulations affecting or impacting the various entity structures.

The Committee coordinates with other committees of the Real Property Probate and Trust Law Section on issues impacting real estate entity structures and/or taxation thereof, as applicable, and cooperates with The Florida Bar's Continuing Legal Education Committee to present seminars and educational material as to the formation, use and tax implications of various entities for the ownership of Florida real property.


Committee members are encouraged to be part of the email Listserv for this Committee. Members are notified by email of important dates, upcoming meetings and may use the Listserv to post questions to the membership relating to the subject matter of this Committee. You may contact the Committee Chair, Mike Bedke (michael.bedke@dlapiper.com) to be added to the Listserv. Members of the Listserv may post a question or comment by emailing it to: RESTcomm@lists.flabarrpptl.org


Many, many thanks to our Committee sponsor, First American Title Insurance Company.



Michael A. Bedke (michael.bedke@dlapiper.com)


Deborah Boyd (deb.boyd@fnf.com)

Lloyd Granet (lgranet@granetlaw.com)