• Sunday, February 16, 2025


Real Property

Title Insurance & Title Insurance Liaison

Serve as liaison between the section and the Florida Land Title Association, keep section members informed of any legislative or administrative developments affecting the insurance of real property titles in the State of Florida; provide input and expertise on proposed legislation or administrative regulations affecting the insurance of real property titles in the State of Florida; coordinate the activities between the section and title insurers, and with them, to study, provide expertise, input and monitor the improvement of land title records and their use; support and promote the role of attorneys in insuring real estate transactions for the protection of the public; cooperate with Continuing Legal Education of The Florida Bar, and any other matters affecting the insurance of real property titles under Florida law.
Chair: Christopher W. Smart
Co-Vice Chairs: Jeremy T. Cranford, Leonard F. Prescott, IV, and Michelle G. Hinden
Committee Sponsor: