• Friday, October 25, 2024


Probate & Trust

Ad Hoc Committee on Electronic Wills

The Ad Hoc Committee on Electronic Wills and its members present periodic seminars regarding the 2019 legislation authorizing certain electronic estate planning documents, including the use of electronic signatures, the “presence” of witnesses via audio-video communication technology, the use of online notaries, and the storage of such documents. The Committee also reviews current statutes and case law to identify statutes that may require clarification or changes and proposes legislation to be considered by the Section’s Executive Council to address certain identified issues. The Committee’s meetings provide a forum for discussion of questions and issues related to the new legislation.
Although Committee membership is by invitation only, most meetings are open to anyone interested in this subject. The committee's current ongoing project is determining how much electronic wills are being used in Florida and monitoring for any issues that may need to be addressed via future legislation. 

Monday, May 20, 2024
2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Zoom Video Conference

For the Zoom meeting link, go to Executive Council tab, "Upcoming Meeting Info." 
Frederick ("Ricky") L. Hearn, Chair
Jenna G. Rubin, Vice Chair